After nearly eight years, the Department of Veterans Affairs has announced an opening date for Aurora's VA Hospital.

It's been such a grueling, and at often times, controversial undertaking, but eight years after breaking ground, the Aurora VA Hospital finally has an opening date set for this fall! The plans are to open the hospital on August 11, according to Rep. Mike Coffman. He was told about the scheduled date by the Department of Veteran Affairs.
An oversight hearing, which Coffman attended, was held on Wednesday, January 17, in order to discuss the issues it has faced since the project first broke ground in 2010. Ever since then, it has run into numerous complications like delays and over-budgeting. Congressman Phil Roe says that the 1.2 million-square-foot space will cost about $2 billion total. "This was a hospital that first came online at $600 million. It looks like it is going to be north of $2 billion," he told Fox31. The VA Hospital's construction contract comes to an end on January 25, so if all of the work is completed by then, the hospital will have about eight months to get ready for the opening date. What are your thoughts? Do you think the hospital will open as planned? Let us know in the comments below.

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