Welcome to Fetch.com!! We asked our followers on social media to submit pictures and dating profiles of their dogs. And these are the hysterical results!

Because we can never do anything half-assed, we've decided to take the brilliant dating bios you sent us for your dogs on our social media pages and turn them into dating profiles. Yes, we created fake dating profiles for your pets. Don't judge. Besides, YOU are the ones who submitted the bios and pictures, we just took what we were given and ran with it. So, honestly, it's YOUR fault this even exists. Just sayin'. With that being said, we hope you enjoy these 15 pawsitively hysterical dating bios for your doggos! We definitely had waaay too much fun reading them!

May we present Her Royal Highness Princess Belle Maye.

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Come on. Who could say no to that handsome smile?!

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Netflix and Chill?

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Yes, he barks with an Australian accent.

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He's livin' the high life.

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Hendrix is just looking for a good lei.

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She'll get your tail waggin'.

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The name's Bond. Chico Bond.

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Claude may be small, but he packs a big bite.

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Strong, hard-working dog who don't need no man!

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Don't sniff his butt, he won't sniff yours. It's as simple as that.

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"My God! You are almost as beautiful as I am!"

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Lightning can strike twice.

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Indy's just looking for a leash-free relationship.

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Don't make him beg.

[gallery type="rectangular" size="full" ids="34920,34921"] There you have it! As you can probably tell, we had A LOT of time on our hands. (Probably too much.) Please share your thoughts with us in the comments below, and continue to share your own dog dating profiles with us! You can post them in the comments below. And who knows? Maybe we'll make a Part II!

Golden's Apollo Peak Sells Wine and Beer for Dogs -- Could Make for a Great First Date!