Get out and pick your own fragrant lavender at this charming Catlett farm. 

Whether you're a serious crafter or just looking for something to do this summer, a trip to Seven Oaks Lavender Farm is a wonderful way to spend the day. 

Pack a picnic lunch and head out for the Virginia countryside. The farm is located at 8769 Old Dumfries Road in Catlett, VA and they are open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekdays,  a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekends.

lavender, basket

Admission to the farm is just $5 per adult (16 and older) and $3 per child (4 and older). Once you're there, each stem of lavender is just $0.15. Pick away!

You can use the lavender as is in flower arrangements, or dry it naturally and use it in crafts or baking projects. The dried blossoms add a subtle floral, herby flavor to cakes and they pair well with lemon. Just imagine the street cred you'll get on Instagram! 

Check out the Seven Oaks online shop for small-batch lavender products like lotions and sachets. For the 2021 season, the actual shop will be closed to visitors for browsing in person. You can order and pay online, then just pick up your purchases when you check out at the farm. If it's one of your favorite flowers, you can even buy potted lavender to take home and plant in your yard.

lavender lotion

You'll create wonderful memories picking your own lavender this summer, so make your reservations soon, before the season comes to an end. 

**All photos courtesy of Seven Oaks Lavender Farm (via Facebook)

For more information, visit the farm's website or take a look at their Facebook page.

For lavender farms in Maryland, click here

Have you ever been to Seven Oaks Lavender Farm? Do you have any tips for first-time visitors? Share them with us in the comments.