History buffs and service members alike will love this new museum dedicated to the U.S. Army.

From the earliest days on horseback to the cutting-edge technology of our current force, the National Museum of the U.S. Army chronicles the life and times of American soldiers.

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Courtesy of the National Museum of the U.S. Army (Facebook)

Timed reservations are required for all visitors and you can click here to reserve your free tickets. Once you're in, you can roam to your heart's content, but the staggering of entries is to help with social distancing and capacity checks.

Face coverings are required for all visitors, so be sure to have one on hand. Click here to see all of the museum's current health and safety guidelines.

Courtesy of the National Museum of the U.S. Army (Facebook)

The current exhibits provide a unique view of the various aspects of Army life. You can even see one of the last WW II-era Higgins boats in existence!

Fuel up for your visit by stopping for lunch or a snack in the museum café. Visitors can choose from a variety of grab-and-go options.

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Courtesy of the National Museum of the U.S. Army (Facebook)

For more information about the museum, or to plan your visit, check out their official website. You can also follow along on their Facebook page for virtual events, book club notices, and DIY craft projects.

Have you visited the new Army museum yet? Tell us what you thought in the comments!