The U.S. Botanic Garden will be celebrating its 200th Anniversary with a spectacular exhibit featuring orchids this spring.

If you can't resist buying a grocery store orchid plant, then you're going to love the newest colorful display at the U.S. Botanic Garden. Hundreds of orchids, many in rare and beautiful varieties, will be incorporated in innovative structures and exhibits that you can walk through.


Exhibit Details

  • WHEN: February 28–May 3, 2020 | 7:30 a.m.–5 p.m. daily for the garden, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. daily for the conservatory
  • WHERE: United States Botanic Garden | 100 Maryland Ave SW, Washington, D.C.
  • WEBSITE: U.S. Botanic Garden
  • METRO: Federal Center SW is the closest Metro station.

orchids, ropes

One of the most interesting components of the exhibit is an intricate rope art piece on which several orchids will be nestled. This unique installation was created by artist Susan Beallor-Snyder and visitors will marvel at its sheer size and details.

Keep in mind, you may only use handheld cameras and art supplies while you are exploring the garden. In order to set up an easel or tripod, you would have to request a special permit in advance. Photoshoots are not permitted in the garden or the conservatory.

In addition to the incredible orchid exhibits, the garden has numerous special events planned to celebrate its 200th birthday.

For more information about the orchid exhibit or any of the other special events, head to the official website for the U.S. Botanic Garden.


*The photos in this article are courtesy of the U.S. Botanic Garden on Facebook.

What are your favorite type of orchids? Will you be making a trip to see them this spring? Let us know in the comments!