Hiking is fun and all, but with llamas as your companions, you're in for a fantastically fuzzy day at Lower Sherwood Farm in Charlottesville.   

Lower Sherwood Farm has been raising llamas since 1986 and prides itself on its unique brand of agritourism. Immerse yourself in the life of a llama farmer for a day as you take these adorable creatures for a nature walk. It's time to lace up those hiking boots!

ADDRESS: 291 Llama Farm Road | Charottesville, VA
PHONE: (434) 286-4494
WEBSITE: Book llama treks through Airbnnb.
SOCIAL MEDIA: Lower Sherwood Farm on Facebook

llamas, hiking

You'll spend the day exploring a walking trail that takes you through woods with your beautiful furry companions. You may have to cross a creek or two, so be sure to wear sturdy shoes or hiking boots. Llamas are the perfect workout buddies because they know their way around and won't give you a hard time about picking up the pace.

Each trek will be approximately two miles through rural trails, and pricing ranges from $50 per person and up. Book online through Airbnb for the date of your choice. A minimum of two people is required for each guided trek, with a maximum group size of six. Your hosts will tell you all about the llamas and alpacas on the farm, so this is also an educational excursion. When you get back, you can meet the rest of the herd on a farm tour.

llama eating

Back at the farm, you can buy some of their gorgeous handcrafted yarn made from their own wool. This farm is truly an artisanal family affair. Next time you're at the Scottville Farmers' Market, you can also try their spectacular baked goods—like their cinnamon rolls or whoopie pies. Yum!

llama wool, yarn

farmers' market, baked goods

**All of the photos in this article are courtesy of the Lower Sherwood Farm Facebook page.

For more information about scheduling a llama trek, their upcoming special events or farmers' market offerings, visit the Lower Sherwood Farm Facebook page or website.

What do you think of this unique Virginia excursion? Is hiking with llamas something you'd like to do? Drop us a line in the comments and let us know!