That's right, summer's juiciest fruit is ripe and ready for picking in an orchard near you.

Virginia has a great climate for peaches, and you can find a pick-your-own farm in just about every other county in the state. This handy website lets you search for the best orchards near you, for all sorts of fruits throughout the year.

Carter Mountain Orchard

This Charlottesville orchard has both pick-your-own fruit and its own winery. Score! Be sure to check their website for upcoming events and live music.


Courtesy of Carter Mountain Orchard (via Facebook)

Hanover Peach Orchard

Check the Facebook page for regular updates and fruit forecasts. While you're in the area, make sure you pick up some of their famous Hanover tomatoes before you head home.


Courtesy of Hanover Peaches (via Facebook)

Henley's Orchard

Head toward the Blue Ridge Mountains to pick your peaches at Henley's. The cidery on-site makes the most of the orchard's apples in various hard ciders—make sure you try some while you're there.


Courtesy of Henley's Orchard (via Facebook)

Hollin Farms

In addition to their peaches, Hollin Farms has a wide range of vegetables you can pick straight out of the fields. Kids will love to dig their own potatoes and summer sweet corn can be harvested for just $5 per dozen ears.

peach tree

Courtesy of Hollin Farms (via Facebook)

Mount Pleasant Farms

This Chesapeake orchard has tons of juicy peaches, just ripe for the picking. As you check out, be sure to grab some farm-fresh eggs and baked goods to take home as well.


Courtesy of Mount Pleasant Farm (via Facebook)

Know Before You Go

  • Peaches continue to ripen and get soft if you store them at room temperature. Pick some that are still a bit firm to enjoy your fruit a bit longer.
  • A perfectly ripe peach should come off the branch easily in your hand with a slight twist and pull. If you feel too much resistance, it's not ready yet!
  • You should always rinse or peel your peaches before taking a bite. No one wants to ingest pesticides or even organic sprays.
  • Most orchards operate on a weekly or even daily schedule. Check for availability by calling first before you drive out.
  • If you went a little nuts at the orchard, you can always freeze peeled peach slices for future use. Simply quarter, peel, and freeze your peaches in a single layer on a cookie sheet. Store the frozen fruit in gallon freezer bags to enjoy later in the season.
  • Beautiful peaches make wonderful dessert, too! Check out this summer peach crumble recipe.

To find more pick-your-own farms around your area, click here and search by region.

Will you be going peach picking this year? What are some of your favorite Virginia orchards? Let us know in the comments.