Summiting fourteeners is what we do as Coloradans. While many fill their summers up with a few summits, there are also those who have yet to summit a fourteener. This could be due to the intimidation, physical wear, and possible danger that summiting a fourteener can offer. Even if a summit makes you earn it with every step, every Coloradan should hike at least one fourteener in their life. So, here are five of the best fourteeners in Colorado:

Quandary Peak

Quandary Peak is a Class I fourteener between Denver and Breckenridge. The total round trip is seven miles, but the mild ascent makes it perfect for beginners! The peak is the highest summit of the Tenmile Range. If you summit Quandary Peak, you can say you've hiked the most commonly summitted fourteener in Colorado. This fourteener is located near Breckenridge, which is always worth a visit!