Snowmass Village Police Department is warning folks to keep a wary eye for the moose that are currently roaming the village.

There have been several moose sightings in Snowmass Village over the last couple of weeks and this week, the Police Department has put out an alert to warn folks of the wild animals' presence and what to do if you should come across one. In a Facebook post, they wrote:
"We currently have several moose in the village. Give them plenty of space and always keep your dogs on leash. If you are too close, a moose may charge you. If you are being charged, run as fast as you can in the opposite direction and try to get behind a large object."
[caption id="attachment_38318" align="aligncenter" width="960"]Snowmass Village Courtesy of Snowmass Village Police Department (Facebook)[/caption]
Snowmass Village Police Chief Brian Olson spoke with The Aspen Times and said there are currently two cows and their offspring loose in Snowmass. The Police Department has not released the locations of where the moose have been seen due to concerns that people would flock to these areas in order to take pictures and videos or to get a close look at the wild animals, which could cause a whole slew of other issues. The Police Department wants residents and visitors alike to know that moose can be "unpredictable" and "aggressive." So, again, while it may be an incredible sight to see the moose up close, please be smart and stay at a respectable distance. Since mid-May, Snowmass has had four moose-related calls to the animal services department. Over the last five years or so, the village has seen an increase of moose activity, though, last summer was "quieter," according to Olson. What do you think? Have you seen the moose wandering the streets of Snowmass Village? Any other wild animal sightings in your area? Let us know in the comments below.

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