The end of August is here, and it's going out with a bang! Turn your eyes towards the skies tonight, August 30, for the month's second supermoon! Tonight's full moon will be a "Super Blue Moon."

Now, the moon won't be particularly blue, so don't get your hopes up. According to, "the term 'Blue Moon' has nothing to do with color, instead referring to either two moons occurring in the same calendar month (as in this case), or the third full moon in a season that has four full moons."

In addition, the idiom "once in a blue moon" is used to describe a rare but nonetheless recurring event. However, according to NASA, blue moons aren't actually all that rare, as they occur every 2.5 years or so.

Make sure you take in the final Super Blue Moon while you can, as we won't see this particular lunar event again until 2037!

The Super Blue Moon is expected to turn full at 9:36 p.m. (ET). But if the weather is poor in your area, don't worry! You can a free livestream hosted by the Virtual Telescope Project.


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